Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Sirius Stuff

To the ancient Egyptians Sirius was not only the home of departed souls but also the guardian star of Egypt. The cycles of Sirius formed the foundation of the Egyptian calendar. The Egyptian New Year day was in high summer when the rising of Sirius coincides with the rising of the sun,The Dog Days, signalling the start of the Nile floods

Until the construction of the Aswan Dam in the early years of this century, the entire nation depended on the corn crops planted on the mud flats left by the receding Nile as it subsided. During the third millenium BC, this coincided with the summer solstice giving it added significance.
.According to Plutarch Sirius was the star consecrated to Isis " for it brings the water." The veneration of Isis on the 19th of July spread with her cult throughout the Roman Empire and was still celebrsted in the 4th century AD., commemorating the rising of the Nile. Christianity supplanted Isis with the feast of St. Joseph (20th July) (which Joseph?), and the archangel Michael replaced Osiris as the patron saint of the Nile floods.
In the Zoroastrian tradition Sirius, the dog star, stands for the spirit of wisdom.
George Hunt Willamson, a flying saucer Contactee tells us a secret order on Earth has been in contact with Sirius for thousands of years and that the emblem of that order is the eye of Horus." - Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Global Warming Caused by Cosmic Rays and the Sun - Not Humans

The science is now all-but-settled on global warming, convincing new evidence demonstrates, but Al Gore, the IPCC and other global warming doomsayers won't be celebrating. The new findings point to cosmic rays and the sun - not human activities - as the dominant controller of climate on Earth.

The research, published with little fanfare this week in the prestigious journal Nature, comes from über-prestigious CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, one of the world's largest centres for scientific research involving 60 countries and 8,000 scientists at more than 600 universities and national laboratories. CERN is the organization that invented the World Wide Web, that built the multi-billion dollar Large Hadron Collider, and that has now built a pristinely clean stainless steel chamber that precisely recreated the Earth's atmosphere.

In this chamber, 63 CERN scientists from 17 European and American institutes have done what global warming doomsayers said could never be done - demonstrate that cosmic rays promote the formation of molecules that in Earth's atmosphere can grow and seed clouds, the cloudier and thus cooler it will be. Because the sun's magnetic field controls how many cosmic rays reach Earth's atmosphere (the stronger the sun's magnetic field, the more it shields Earth from incoming cosmic rays from space), the sun determines the temperature on Earth.

The hypothesis that cosmic rays and the sun hold the key to the global warming debate has been Enemy No. 1 to the global warming establishment ever since it was first proposed by two scientists from the Danish Space Research Institute, at a 1996 scientific conference in the U.K. Within one day, the chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Bert Bolin, denounced the theory, saying, "I find the move from this pair scientifically extremely naive and irresponsible." He then set about discrediting the theory, any journalist that gave the theory cre dence, and most of all the Danes presenting the theory - they soon found themselves vilified, marginalized and starved of funding, despite their impeccable scientific credentials.

The mobilization to rally the press against the Danes worked brilliantly, with one notable exception. Nigel Calder, a former editor of The New Scientist who attended that 1996 conference, would not be cowed. Himself a physicist, Mr. Calder became convinced of the merits of the argument and a year later, following a lecture he gave at a CERN conference, so too did Jasper Kirkby, a CERN scientist in attendance. Mr. Kirkby then convinced the CERN bureaucracy of the theory's importance and developed a plan to create a cloud chamber - he called it CLOUD, for "Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets."

But Mr. Kirkby made the same tactical error that the Danes had - not realizing how politicized the global warming issue was, he candidly shared his views with the scientific community.

"The theory will probably be able to account for somewhere between a half and the whole of the increase in the Earth's temperature that we have seen in the last century," Mr. Kirkby told the scientific press in 1998, explaining that global warming may be part of a natural cycle in the Earth's temperature.

The global warming establishment sprang into action, pressured the Western governments that control CERN, and almost immediately succeeded in suspending CLOUD. It took Mr. Kirkby almost a decade of negotiation with his superiors, and who knows how many compromises and unspoken commitments, to convince the CERN bureaucracy to allow the project to proceed. And years more to create the cloud chamber and convincingly validate the Danes' groundbreaking theory.

Yet this spectacular success will be largely unrecognized by the general public for years - this column will be the first that most readers have heard of it - because CERN remains too afraid of offending its government masters to admit its success. Weeks ago, CERN formerly decided to muzzle Mr. Kirby and other members of his team to avoid "the highly political arena of the climate change debate," telling them "to present the results clearly but not interpret them" and to downplay the results by "mak[ing] clear that cosmic radiation is only one of many parameters." The CERN study and press release is written in bureaucratese and the version of Mr. Kirkby's study that appears in the print edition of Nature censored the most eye-popping graph - only those who know where to look in an online supplement will see the striking potency of cosmic rays in creating the conditions for seeding clouds.

CERN, and the Danes, have in all likelihood found the path to the Holy Grail of climate science. But the religion of climate science won't yet permit a celebration of the find.

Emmanuel Kelly on The X Factor

Awesome stuff this!

Monday, 29 August 2011

Dog Days



The Dog Days received their name from the ancient Romans, who noticed that the dog star Sirius rises and sets with the sun during the summer months. Interestingly, the word Sirius comes from the Greek Seirios, which means burning, or hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk. The Romans believed it was the combination of Sirius and the sun that made it so hot and humid. Now, of course, we know that’s silly—it’s the heat index. Just kidding. Actually the heat index is an arbitrary combination of the temperature and humidity that was concocted by meteorologists who needed a seasonal counterpart to the wind chill factor so we could feel more miserable than either indicator alone would allow. This proves that we really have progressed since ancient Roman times. Not only do we have the heat index, we now know that since Sirius is 8.6 light-years away—which is twice as long as the line to get into Space Mountain on a typical summer day—it has no effect on the heat build-up during the summer months. That, it turns out, is actually caused by a hot air mass that gets trapped over the country as a result of everyone talking about global warming.


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Sale on a Sunday

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Saturday, 27 August 2011

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.  ~Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ, c.1420

You've got a lot of choices.  If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you're not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice.  ~Steven D. Woodhull (U.S. geologist, 1976-)

What saves a man is to take a step.  Then another step.  It is always the same step, but you have to take it.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière

Don't wait for the Last Judgment.  It happens every day.  ~Albert Camus, The Fall, 1956

Friday, 26 August 2011

Now its a glider and has miraculously reappeared in video...

You might remember the story about the experimental, hypersonic aircraft that could fly from Sydney to London in 49 minutes. Now they have footage. (Which is not yet on youtube -SR)

View the footage here:

After the launch, the Falcon was supposed to dislodge from the rocket, speed back towards earth, level out and glide above the Pacific at 20 times the speed of sound.
However after the plane separated from the rocket in the upper reaches of the atmosphere for its "glide" phase, contact was lost somewhere in the Pacific, DARPA said.

The August test was the second and last scheduled flight for the program, which began in 2003 and cost taxpayers about $320 million. Both flights failed to go the distance.

Response: Oh ! Well that was just about the worst video footage ever ! NASA spent $320 million and we get a video of the clouds ! Good one !!!!

Response: I seem to remember a teatowel printed with the words "wouldn't it be great if hospitals and schools had all the money they needed and the military had to run raffles to buy a new bomber?". Lawer G at number one you're spot on! - Mangsaab

Response 1: What a waste of money. No wonder the US is in debt. - Lawler G.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Roger Waters - What God Wants

Its an evolution revolution.

If the Sun were at the bottom of the spire, Alpha centauri, our nearest stellar neighbor, would be about halfway up the column. Sirius, the brightest star in Earth's sky, would be near the top. Let's say you sent out a spacecraft from the bottom of the spire that travelled at the speed of the two Voyager craft that are now traversing the outer reaches of the Solar System. It would take more than 200,000 years to reach the top of the spire.

The Hubble Space Telescope cost a lot of money to build, deploy, and operate. It has done a lot of good science. But perhaps the biggest return on the investment is to turn on ordinary folks like you and me to the scale and complexity of the universe. The human brain evolved, biologically and culturally, in a universe conceived on the human scale. We resided at its center. The stars were just up there on the dome of night. The Sun and Moon attended our desires. "All the world's a stage," wrote Shakespeare, and he meant it literally; the cosmos was designed by a benevolent creator as a stage for the human drama. All of that has gone by the board. Now we can travel in our imagination for 200,000 years along a spire of glowing, star-birthing gas that is only the tiniest fragment of a nebula that is only the tiniest fragment of a galaxy that is but one of hundreds of billions of galaxies we can potentially see with our telescopes.

Most of us still live psychologically in the universe of Dante and Shakespeare. The biggest intellectual challenge of our times is how to bring our brains up to speed. How to shake our imaginations out of the slumber of centuries. How to learn to live purposefully in a universe that is apparently indifferent to the human drama. How to stretch the human story to match the light-years.”

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Life in seven

All things organic and inorganic, are filled with life, from the tiniest atom to the greatest galaxy.

Our solar system has a septenary nature; it is constructed out of energies which resonate to seven qualities.  


There is a continuum which links all things together, so that the smallest cell does not pulsate without its effects being felt in the furthest reaches of the solar system.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible 
will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy 

You Say You Want a Revolution…
compiled by Lily Galvin
The PNL editorial committee was inspired by all the famous July revolutions (US - July 4, France - July 14, Colombia - July 20, Cuba - July 26) to do a little digging and come up with some famous words on the subject. Can you guess the authors of these quotes?
1. If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution.
2. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
3. Like art, revolutions come from combining what exists into what has never existed before.
4. When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her.
5. A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.
6. With the first act of cruelty committed in the name of revolution, with the first murder, with the first purge and execution, we have lost the revolution.
7. It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.
8. If I can't dance - I don't want to be part of your revolution.
9. Every generation needs a new revolution.
10. You can jail a revolutionary but you can not jail the Revolution.
11. Never be deceived that the rich will permit you to vote away their wealth.
12. If we behave like those on the other side, then we are the other side. Instead of changing the world, all we'll achieve is a reflection of the one we want to destroy.
13. A little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.
14. The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.
15. Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and force a new one that suits them better.
16. The ultimate end of all revolutionary social change is to establish the sanctity of human life, the dignity of man, the right of every human being to liberty and well-being.
17. Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.
18. In a revolution, as in a novel, the most difficult part to invent is the end.
19. ... in order to be a true revolutionary, you must understand love. Love, sacrifice, and death.
20. In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
21. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

Answer Key
1. Abe Lincoln; 2. John F. Kennedy; 3. Gloria Steinem; 4. Oscar Wilde; 5. Fidel Castro; 6. Kate Millett; 7. Samuel Adams; 8. Emma Goldman; 9. Thomas Jefferson; 10. Huey Newton; 11. Lucy Parsons; 12. Jean Genet; 13. Thomas Jefferson; 14. Abbie Hoffman; 15. Abraham Lincoln; 16. Emma Goldman; 17. Dwight Eisenhower; 18. Alexis Tocqueville; 19. Sonia Sanchez; 20. George Orwell; 21. Napoleon Bonaparte

Monday, 22 August 2011

Such a thing as.....



“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

Sunday, 21 August 2011


“I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you.”

 Colin Raye

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Jedi Warrior

“…and if I ever needed proof of how the dark side had taken the beautiful dream of what a nation could be, and twisted it, destroyed it, well that was it.  But I wont stop, I wont give up, because when I look at what is happening in the world, I know now, more than ever, we need to be all we can be. Now, more than ever, we need the Jedi!”

Bob Wilson – (Ewan Mcgregor)
Men who stare at Goats

Friday, 19 August 2011

"Three Words..."


"In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on."

- Robert Frost

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Robert F. Kennedy, "Ripples..."

"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
- Robert F. Kennedy

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Polybius believed that democracies always killed themselves: "And hence when by their foolish thirst for reputation they have created among the masses an appetite for gifts and the habit of receiving them, democracy in its turn is abolished and changes into a rule of force and violence. For the people, having grown accustomed to feed at the expense of others and to depend for their livelihood on the property of others, as soon as they find a leader who is enterprising but is excluded from the houses of office by his penury, institute the rule of violence; and now uniting their forces massacre, banish, and plunder, until they degenerate again into perfect savages and find once more a master and monarch." -The Histories 6.9.7-9

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Close encounters....

A space-ship from an alien planet landed on earth. Two aliens went out to make contact with the earthlings. They came to a gas-station with a single gas-pump. They tried to strike up a conversation with the pump, but the pump obviously did not answer. Finally, they gave up and went on. After a while, one of them said: "Cheap perfume she was wearing". "Yes", the other answered, "but you´ll have to admit that she had a nice figure".

suzanne g

Monday, 15 August 2011

Surrender and defeat

“It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. 
The human spirit is never finished when it is is finished when it surrenders.”
-   Ben Stein

“But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them.
But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams
than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.”
- Paulo Coelho

Thanks to CP.
Photo by Kerry Cameron.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

"Lakotah Instructions for Living"

"Friend do it this way - that is, whatever you do in life,
do the very best you can with both your heart and mind.

And if you do it that way,
the Power Of The Universe will come to your assistance,
if your heart and mind are in Unity.
When one sits in the Hoop Of The People,
one must be responsible because All of Creation is related.
And the hurt of one is the hurt of all.
And the honor of one is the honor of all.
And whatever we do affects everything in the universe.

If you do it that way - that is,
if you truly join your heart and mind as One -
whatever you ask for, that's the way it's going to be."

Passed down from White Buffalo Calf Woman

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Mass mind vs. the individual

“….and they wrestle with their consciences in seeking to determine whether what they are doing is morally justifiable in general terms or even noble in terms of assuring scientific progress.”

Running 'Cause I Can't Fly: Psychology: "Questioning the Banality of Evil"

Friday, 12 August 2011

Hyper-sonic test flight aircraft just disappears?

Sample of prime response to story, and subsequent responses to the  prime.

How the military are allowed to spend tax payers money developing super killing machines is a testament to how backwards our civilization truly is. When will these overgrown boys stop siphoning money into their own little personal pet projects. We don't need faster jets, we don't need more bombs, we don't need more war. Criminals run the defence forces in every country. That's why they are so paranoid about each other, they know what they are like.

There is no hope while we have weapons like this Ali 100% right you are, Peace begins with putting them away first, these are not defensive weapons, they are offensive weapons to kill first. If China was to say we have a jet that can travel 25000km p/h and carry 200k tonnes what would be the message.
Captain Bligh

Our people,White people,of which Aussies are a part,are 8% of the World population,the population of China alone dwarfs our White population,and that is ONLY a single Asian country.How does 'Ali' propose to protect our woman from being raped and or children being replaced in their own countries should we not develop technolgy to protect ourselves ? 'Ali' is just Anti-White

Have a listen to all these lefty lunatics would you? In order for any country to ensure peace they first must prepare for war. And as long as there are fanatical religious nutjobs that run fanatical countries, who have a clear mandate to destroy our western way of life and establish religious rule, who also have access to nuclear weapons, this is the provide a reliable platform for a first-strike capability. What do you think would happen to Israel if they laid down their arms...

But if the Japanese had invaded and taken over Australia all those years ago , the dust would have settled by now and you'd all be used to it . Personally , I'm rather disappointed that the French didn't make a more aggressive play for it .

What a load of idiots. Here is an idea: take a daffodil and go line up in front of an invading force after you have abolished our military and find out how long it takes for the daffodils to get shoved up your arses. Oh and to the anti-Aus Americans posting rubbish here - Australia was well prepared for an invasion and Japan could not have occupied us. We were NOT saved by America. That is just typical American propaganda.
First L

flankrroydlight - your disapointed the French didn't invade an allied nation! I am also disappointed that the English didn't make an aggressive play for the American colonies after the end of Napolean. At that time they had the military strength and the naval might to wipe your American noses with your own used toilet paper. You would all be just a part of Canada now. Lucky for you the Brits are not like your American warmongers in DC. Its so good to see America broke. Serves you right.
First L

Mister: You say "In order for any country to ensure peace they first must prepare for war." and you also say "this is the provide a reliable platform for a first-strike capability." What do you think would happen if Aus tried to develop such technology? We would suddenly have US sanctions against us because they feel only THEY have the right to have it. The days of US dominance by threat of violence are coming to an end.
First L

Well, this certainly explains America's 14.3 TRILLION dollar deficit! And now of course they will just have to make another one! I totally agree with you Ali, this is such a wide load.

"A Voice Whispering..."

"Observance of customs and laws can very easily be a cloak for a lie so subtle that our fellow human beings are unable to detect it. It may help us to escape all criticism, we may even be able to deceive ourselves in the belief of our obvious righteousness. But deep down, below the surface of the average man's conscience, he hears a voice whispering, "There is something not right," no matter how much his rightness is supported by public opinion or by the moral code."
- Carl Jung

Photo by Kerry Cameron

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Don Williams, Jr., "The Road of Life"

 “The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” ..."

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Future Reference

What did you expect, Dear Reader? Happy, happy, all's well, let's go on Twitter and Facebook and play? A long time ago I decided that you'd only get the truth here, no matter how bad it may be. We're not children, we can handle problems if we only know what they really are. If fairy tales and willful avoidance are what you're looking for, Fox and the main stream media are where you need to be, not here. I hate this stuff as much as you do, don't want to hear or know it, but, as a friend is fond of saying, it is what it is, and we'd better deal with it, because it most certainly will be dealing with all of us. - CP

Tuesday, 9 August 2011



“Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.”

Tom Krause

Photo by Kerry Cameron

Monday, 8 August 2011

The Credit Con



The basic rule for maintaining a healthy economic system requires the population to spend less than they earn and save the difference. The savings can then be invested in domestic companies, plants and equipment which keep the country growing. Americans bought into the lie that purchasing cheap foreign goods with cheap credit was as valid as actually building wealth. The national savings rate, which exceeded 10% in the 1970s and early 1980s, dropped to less than 1% by 2005. Why save when you could whip out one of your 13 credit cards.



Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Sunday Sun

This technology is the way to go.....

Solar Systems’ CPV technology is suited to large utility-scale electrical power
generation using its proprietary “Dense Array” concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) solar
conversion technology. This technology involves concentrating a large area of
sunlight to approximately 500 times the normal intensity, and focussing this energy
onto ultra-high efficiency photovoltaic cells which directly convert the light into
electricity at low cost. The Dense Array technology is in the final stages of
preparation for potential deployment in the burgeoning global utility-scale solar
power station market. The key and unique advantages of this technology include the
use of advanced ‘triple junction’ solar cells currently capable of approximately 40%
conversion efficiency - approximately double the efficiency of today’s best siliconbased
cells - and the use of active cooling to maximize power output and lifetime
performance from the solar cells.