To the ancient Egyptians Sirius was not only the home of departed souls but also the guardian star of Egypt. The cycles of Sirius formed the foundation of the Egyptian calendar. The Egyptian New Year day was in high summer when the rising of Sirius coincides with the rising of the sun,The Dog Days, signalling the start of the Nile floods
Until the construction of the Aswan Dam in the early years of this century, the entire nation depended on the corn crops planted on the mud flats left by the receding Nile as it subsided. During the third millenium BC, this coincided with the summer solstice giving it added significance.
.According to Plutarch Sirius was the star consecrated to Isis " for it brings the water." The veneration of Isis on the 19th of July spread with her cult throughout the Roman Empire and was still celebrsted in the 4th century AD., commemorating the rising of the Nile. Christianity supplanted Isis with the feast of St. Joseph (20th July) (which Joseph?), and the archangel Michael replaced Osiris as the patron saint of the Nile floods.
In the Zoroastrian tradition Sirius, the dog star, stands for the spirit of wisdom.
George Hunt Willamson, a flying saucer Contactee tells us a secret order on Earth has been in contact with Sirius for thousands of years and that the emblem of that order is the eye of Horus." - Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger
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