Thursday, 8 September 2011

Soul's Purpose

Today more and more people are searching for direction in life, trying to find that which they call their thing. They find themselves wandering aimlessly, not knowing which way to turn, blundering down blind alleys and dead-end streets. Eventually, some turn to such things as orthodox astrology, in the hope that at least here they may be able to find that much-needed direction. Instead they are informed of things they already know, of matters pertaining to their simple mundane needs such as money and relationships. It tells them nothing of their spiritual needs, of spiritual wealth and how they might acquire it, of the higher relationship which exists between them and their Soul or higher Self that can infuse their lives with energy and meaning. Such is the function of Soul's Purpose Astrology.
Each individual has their own unique Soul's purpose, that which is necessary for the fulfilment of their lives, and without which they feel lost and alienated from the world. It is a purpose which has been implanted within them from the moment of birth, and its application in the world is the reason for their existence. The problem arises when, as in many instances, that Soul's purpose becomes lost through the passage of time and the circumstances of life. It is, however, always there, locked deep within them, and one key whereby this knowledge may be unlocked is through an esoteric understanding of the horoscope. Such a method has now been established in the world—the new astrology, the astrology of the Soul.

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