Thursday, 5 January 2012

The 1st layer

The First Layer
The first thing that you have to acknowledge and get past is the first layer, which is Human consciousness. That is what I’m going to call The Survival Layer. As long as you are in survival, you will never know any other layer at all. As long as you’re in survival, you will not get to the next layer, and can’t even start the process. That’s because the Survival Layer depends on you reacting to the outside world. You’re always looking around, aren’t you? You’ve got to make sure everything is proper and right, don’t you? You’ve got to respond properly when talked to, don’t you? This is survival.
You know how to get rid of pure survival? Spirit knows. How many of you have been brought to your knees through sorrow or health? How many of you? I know who’s here, and I’m talking to you. You know what I mean, because suddenly survival goes away and the conscious layer drops before you. Then all you see is the love of God. All you see is gratitude for those around you and a peacefulness of just being alive and well. That, dear ones, is the position you have to be in. But why wait for an emergency? Why not understand it and work on doing that very thing by yourself?
Step one: Get out of survival! “How do I do that, Kryon?” Consider this: “Dear Spirit, I wish to soften my consciousness. When those who would insult me are trying to push my emotional anger buttons, I don’t want the buttons to work anymore. I want to disengage them. I don’t want to react anymore. I want to sit in peace. That is getting out of survival. I am safe in the arms of God – totally and completely safe. I wish to drop the outer shell that is the Human consciousness layer, the one that instantly and only reacts to 3-D, and walk my life differently.” That would be the first step. That’s the first step, dear one. Look in the mirror while you say it.
Do you defend yourself? If somebody criticizes you, are you quick to make it right? How many of you can hear a criticism of yourself, then stop and think, “Wow, what if they’re right?” It’s hard for a Human Being to do this, and you can’t do that easily. You’ve got to practice that one. You know why? Because you’re designed for survival. In the old energy, it served you well and now it doesn’t.
Basic Human consciousness is designed for survival, and you have passed that marker. It carries an old energy with it that breeds hatred and war, disappointment and depression. It carries self-doubt with it and always makes you feel alone. Do you really wish to wallow anymore in this? It is time to change it from survival to “peaceful existence with wisdom.”

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